The playwrights gather at Ros’s kitchen table each Saturday morning to write and read each other’s pieces, to find comfort among her plants and the courage to write these stories. Do we work on what is safe or do we take risks? Do we reveal something wild, unstable, even crazy? These questions are not as obvious as they may seem. Taking risks means just that: it means being not “nice”, not “feminine”, not “safe”.
Is there sympathy, humor, pathos in these characters? Or do we shrug them aside as “crazy”? Is the protagonist in all of us, or is it unique to this character? This moment?
Plays aren’t built in a day. They are cobbled together by questions, doubts, and determination. They stumble and get rebuilt in the hands of actors and directors. And then we go back to Ros’s kitchen table and start again… – Marty Kingsbury, TC Squared Dramaturg
After four years of Staged Readings and two New Plays Festivals, TC2 is ready once again for the challenge of developing the work of our young writers.
The 2015 NEW PLAYS FESTIVAL took place at the Boston Playwrights’ Theatre in May. 7 playwrights were featured, together with 5 directors and 25 actors. See program
The 2015-2016 Play Lab once again will be under the encouragement and professional expertise of TC2 Dramaturg Marty Kingsbury, who always manages to draw out of these playwrights some extraordinary voices that Boston needs to hear and see on stage.
Fall dates: Saturdays from 10-1 from September 19 to December 12 (not Oct 12, Nov 28, or Dec 5)
Spring dates: Saturdays from 10-1 from January 16 to March 26 (not Feb 13?)
The Table Reading of selected work for the New Plays Festival will be on Saturday April 2 from 10-3pm
THE NEW PLAYS FESTIVAL will take place at the Boston Playwrights’ Theatre on Monday May 9, 2016 at 7:30pm
The fee for a 10-week session is $250. This includes the Table Reading, the rehearsal period, and the showcase festival of new work. A Payment Plan is available upon request.