Rosalind Thomas-Clark, Artistic Director

Ros head shot 9.13 IMG_5318Rosalind Thomas-Clark continues to work professionally as an actor and director for stage, radio, and film. Committed to theatre for social change, she runs her own theatre company, TC Squared: Theatre Outside the Box, developing new scripts for staged readings and full productions. She co-teaches Company One Theatre’s Acting Class for professionals, and headed the team for the prestigious, experiential summer program, British Cultural Connections.

A life-long teacher of literature, theatre and the arts, Ms. Thomas-Clark received her undergraduate degree in theatre from the Guildhall School in London, and her master’s degree at Brown University. She was the founder and director of several start-up arts organizations: the Theatre Workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland; the South Island Workshop and the Music Theatre Group in London, England; the Open House Community Arts in Yorkshire, England; the Watershed at the Bristol Arts Centre in England; and The Maidment Arts Centre at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

Her work with the urban community has included founding TOY (Theatre Outreach for Youth) during her time at Brown University; devising and directing The Great War Theatre Project, to commemorate the centenary of World War One, which toured to New York, and the UK; and adapting Everyman (Revisted), which toured to the Miami Arts Centre.  She was a founding faculty member and Chair of Theatre at the Boston Arts Academy for ten years. The recipient of a SURDNA Arts Teacher’s Fellowship, she studied with Augusto Boal in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the Center for the Theatre of the Oppressed, working in prisons, favelas, and with other community organizations. She traveled with ten BAA students to perform at the Edinburgh International Fringe Festival in Scotland, UK.  She was awarded Boston’s Teacher of the Year Award, and a SURDNA Artist Colony Grant. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, near her three children and five grandchildren.

She recently published a handbook for directors and theatre educators called Being in the Moment, available for purchase now on Amazon!

Marty Kingsbury, Dramaturg

Marty Kingsbury is a poet, playwright, and novelist. She received her MFA in Playwrighting from Brandeis University in 1993 winning the Harold and Mimi Steinberg Award for Best New Play. Her plays have been produced across the US – in Boston, MA; New York, NY; Atlanta, GA; and Eugene, OR — as well as in Sydney Australia and London, England. Her first novel, Rescuing Oricito, The Almost True Story of a South American Street Dog, is aimed at middle grade readers. Her second novel, A Great Storm Rising, based loosely on Shakespeare’s The Tempest, is aimed at high school and adult readers. It explores the challenges of growing up in a household where mental illness blurs the lines between magic and reality. She has been TC Squared’s dramturge since 2010.

Photo Credit: Jane D. Meyers


Rosalind Thomas-Clark
Artistic Director

Erika Cesar
Raiza Cheng
Gabriella Ciambrone
Deen Rawlins
Nikki Prefontaine

Paul Benford-Bruce
Raiza Cheng
Donna Glick
Lynne Hall
Marty Kingsbury
Erin Lerch
David Marshall
Stetson Marshall
Rawchayl Sahadeo
Rosalind Thomas-Clark

John ADEkoje
Kathy Aguero
Abdi Ali
John Beck
Jill Bennett
Phyllis Bretholtz
Fernadina Chan
Iris Fanger
Peter Gould
Kirsten Greenidge
Allyssa Jones
Marty Kingsbury
Shawn LaCount
Joan Lancourt
Dan Lombardo
Victoria Marsh
Linda Nathan
Juanita Rodrigues
Margie Schaffel
Maura Tighe
Susan Werbe

TC Squared is grateful to Phyllis Bretholtz for contributing much of the photography on this website.