Statement on Violence towards Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
March 2021
We at TC Squared are horrified at the shooting that happened in Atlanta. Eight people were killed, six were Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). We grieve with the families and the Atlanta AAPI community.
During this pandemic the frequency and intensity of harassment and violence against AAPI has increased exponentially. Three in ten AAPI individuals reported racial jokes or slurs. This represents only a fraction of actual cases because of the barriers from language and lack of trust in government. Women have accounted for more than 68% of reported incidences of anti-AAPI harassment and violence. AAPI elderly are being assaulted and killed. Racism against AAPI communities is deeply entrenched in American history, but has been rendered invisible by white supremacy and normalized anti-Asian rhetoric.
From the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 to the internment camps, AAPI men have been scapegoated, AAPI women have been violently hyper-sexualized, and all AAPI groups have been dehumanized.
TC Squared’s family of artists and administrators embraces all people and welcomes diversity in our community.
We need to continue to come together to dismantle systematic racism and halt ignorance, bigotry and violence.
We come together to lift all the diverse voices in TC Squared’s community and beyond.
We raise ALL voices to be heard.
Some options for getting involved:
- Visit to report incidents of hate and violence
- Participate in Bystander Intervention Training to stop anti-AAPI and xenophobic harassment
- Take Action with the Asian American Advocacy Fund
- Support the AAPI Community Fund
Statement of Solidarity with Black Lives Matter
June 2020
TC Squared Theatre (TC2) was founded to support diversity and create equity across all ethnicities, genders and sexual preferences within the theater community. We are horrified by the police brutality that has taken the lives of so many Black people, most recently George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others.
As a company, we condemn systemic racism. We condemn the unjustified, violent response of police across the country to protestors who are speaking out for change. We commit to listening to what the Black community needs and amplifying that message to our audiences. We commit to creating space for our community to act and figure out the way forward. We encourage you to donate to one of the many bail funds, mutual aid funds, and BIPOC-led nonprofits dedicated to social justice. There are many lists floating around, one of which can be found here.
TC2 was founded eleven years ago by alumni of the Boston Arts Academy, and continues now to serve them, as well as artists from the greater Boston area, and, now that we are able to present our new work on Zoom, from further afield. Rather than repeat the sentiment spoken by so many, we would like to boost the words of Dr. Lee Pelton, President of Emerson College, and Chairman of the Board of the Boston Arts Academy Foundation.
We encourage you to read his full statement if you have not already done so, but in particular, we are focused on his core call to action: “This is not a black problem, but a structural issue built on white supremacy and centuries of racism. It’s your problem. And until you understand that, we are doomed to relive this week’s tragic events over and over again. What changes will you make in your own life? Begin with answering that question and maybe, just maybe we will get somewhere.
The most important question is: What are you going to do?”
TC Squared has been remiss in not having these conversations sooner, and we apologize for that. The reflection we have done internally thus far is only the first step.
We are committed to our mission, to furthering social justice, and to continuing to examine our own operations and our own identity as an anti-racist company. We are listening, and welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have. Please stay in touch, and stay safe.
Black Lives Matter. End police brutality.
TC Squared Theatre Company